Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Quick Update: Assorted Crafts

Today, I've got a some time so I thought I would do a quick post.  I have a few crafts I've made over the past week that I haven't shared with you yet.  I made a flower magnet, air dry clay, and a little inspirational poster with a Bible verse.  I hope to show you guys how I made the flower and the clay soon.  Sorry for the low quality picture!  Please comment and thanks for stopping by my blog today!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Kid's Travel Art Kit

Hi all!
I made this kit by first picking a small box and filling it with art goodies that are perfect for travel.  I have an alphabet stencil, 8 paged mini scrapbook, pad of paper, pens, a few photos, a notepad, stickers and a little box of crayons.  In two little pouches, I stuck some stamps, foam stickers, and a glue stick.  On the front of the box, I glued a white paper that I put clear packing tape to make a dry erase board.  I also including a couple dry erase pens and an eraser.  I know that seems like a lot of stuff but it actually fits nicely.  Hope you enjoy and try this project and please comment!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day!

Hello everyone!
Just a quick post to wish you all a happy Mother's Day!  Recently, I have been filling in card orders and other stuff.  Because they have deadlines, it is hard to write down measurements and take pictures.  Hopefully I'll share creations soon.  Please comment and have a great day!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Mother's day Doodle

Hi all!
In honor of Mother's day, I doodled a little message on some cardboard with a pink opaque marker.  I think if you sized it down a bit and drew on cardstock instead of cardboard, it would make a nice card.   If you want more doodles, comment down below and let me know if you try this. Thanks for stopping by my blog!    

Quick Update: Sharpie Madness!

Hi guys!
I've been really busy with life but things are slowing down a bit and I have a chance to blog a little.  Recently, I have been drawing a lot with Sharpie permanent marker.  A picture of my collection of sharpies are bellow. Comment down below if you like using sharpies or have a collection of your own.  Thanks for stopping by!  

I LOVE the rainbow!

Birthday Cards

Hi everyone! I've got two birthday cards to show you guys today.  Not much to say here but check back next week for more crafts! ...