Tuesday, August 12, 2014

More Handmade Lip Balm/Gloss

Hi guys!  
Today, I'm sharing two more lip balm recipes I've made.  I store them in little candy tins but any small container will work.  Lets get started!

Pink Lip Gloss/Balm
Ingredients: petroleum jelly/vaseline and red food coloring
Tools: a toothpick, a small container, and access to a freezer
1. Spoon vaseline into container
2. Add 1 drop of food coloring, stir, and add more vaseline until desired color is reached 
3. Smooth out the top and place in freezer for 2-8 hours

Yellow Lip Gloss/Balm
Ingredients: petroleum jelly/vaseline and honey
Tools: a toothpick, access to a microwave oven, a small bowl, access to a freezer, and a small container
1. Put vaseline into bowl and melt in microwave oven for about 2:00 minutes 
2. Stir honey into vaseline (add eyeshadow to color if wanted)
3. Pour mixture into container, smooth, and place in freezer for 2-8 hours

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Birthday Cards

Hi everyone! I've got two birthday cards to show you guys today.  Not much to say here but check back next week for more crafts! ...