Saturday, October 18, 2014

More Doodles!

Hi Guys!!
I've got some more doodles from by book!  (Sorry about the awful photos.  It's the way my book was made.)  By the way,I used green paint as the base color at the one at the bottom.  Once again, if you want to see tutorials for any of them, please comment and hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Just A Note Technique Card

Hello Everyone!
As you can see, I finally have another card for you!  I think this one turned out great.  This card is also a technique card because I tried a few new touches that I haven't tried before.  
Technique 1: Tie a knot on the ribbon and then attach it to the card instead of tying a bow on afterwards.
Technique 2: Use letter stickers and a pen to add a special touch to it.  I have the line go through the stickers.
This is a relatively simple card with just stickers and ribbon as a main focal point but I think it has a lovely charm to it.  Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and see you on my next post!!

Card Base: Recollections White Cardstock - A2 (4 1/4 by 5 1/2 in.)
Yellow Pattern Paper: DCWV Fresh Floral Stack - 3 3/4 by 5 1/4 in.
Floral Pattern Paper: DCWV Fresh Floral Stack - 4 3/4 by 3 in.
Green Mat: Recollections Cardstock - 5 by 3 1/4 in
Ribbon: Details Accessories - Grosgrain
Adhesive: Tom bow Mono Permanent Tape Runner
Letter Stickers: Bronze Alpha Stickers (Dollar Tree)

Birthday Cards

Hi everyone! I've got two birthday cards to show you guys today.  Not much to say here but check back next week for more crafts! ...