Friday, May 1, 2015

Easy and Cute Hand-sewn Felt Cube

Hi everyone!
I hope your having a great Friday!  Anyway, today we're making the most adorable felt cube! And it even has a cute little face!  But don't worry!  It's super easy to hand-sew!  And even if you absolutely can't sew, you can still do this with hot glue or fabric glue.  Sew let's get started!! (I know that was really cheesy, but I like it!)

Step 1: Cut out 6 squares of felt or fabric of choice and two circles of black and two ovals of pink (they don't need to be perfect)

Step 2: Sew the facial pieces onto one square using any stitch you want.  I used a running/straight stitch which is just an up and down stitch.  Then stitch on it's mouth.  If you need any help with step 2-3 there is plenty of tutorials on YouTube.  I recommend Tammy Hallam's tutorial here.  

Step 3: Then sew each square to each other to form a cube.  Before completely sewing it shut, add stuffing being sure to stuff the corners.  

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Birthday Cards

Hi everyone! I've got two birthday cards to show you guys today.  Not much to say here but check back next week for more crafts! ...