Monday, January 19, 2015

Get Organized: Pencil Cups

Hello everyone!
It's 2015!  One of my New year's resolutions is to re-organize my craft room.  So, I'm starting a mini series called Get Organized!  It's initials are "g" and "o" spelling GO.  So let's "Go" organize our craft supplies!
Today, I'm sharing two different ways to organize your pencils, pens, brushes, etc.  Hope you enjoy and if you do please comment more ideas for upcoming posts and share!
Pencil Cup 1
Materials: Clean can, yarn, glue, felt (optional), and scissors

Step 1: Spread glue at the rim of the can
Step 2: Begin wrapping yarn and applying glue to the can
Step 3 (optional) : Finish by cutting a piece of felt to fit the bottom of the can and glueing it in place

Pencil Cup 2
Materials: Toilet paper tubes, any container or box, and decorations

Step 1: Decorate box with colorful paper, stickers, washi tape, or anything you want
Step 2 (optional): Paint or decorate the TP tubes
Step 3: Arrange tubes in the box

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Birthday Cards

Hi everyone! I've got two birthday cards to show you guys today.  Not much to say here but check back next week for more crafts! ...