Saturday, January 24, 2015

Get Organized: Embellishments and Stickers

Hi everyone!
In my series Get Organized, I'm organizing a part of my craft room until the final reveal.  So today, I decided to tackle my embellishments and stickers!  It isn't much of a DIY but whatever it is, it's time consuming!  I started with this green divided container that I got at Michaels.  Then, I dumped out all my embellishments and stickers and sorted them out into the little compartments.  For the stickers on plastic sheets, I cut them apart with their backing still on.  I also added fabric, foam, and felt embellishments too.  Hope you enjoyed!

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Birthday Cards

Hi everyone! I've got two birthday cards to show you guys today.  Not much to say here but check back next week for more crafts! ...